#KeeleyCares Spotlight: Crisis Nursery
Our Keeley’ns embody the spirit of giving back to our communities across the nation and live out the mission of #KeeleyCares every single day. Jim Lee, Executive VP at Keeley Construction, serves on the Board of Directors at Crisis Nursery – one of our newest charities on the Wall of Compassion. He and his wife, Jean, proudly serve this organization while also getting Keeley Construction involved, providing assistance and support whenever possible. We are so proud of his dedication to making a difference in the lives of so many children.
Jim and Jean moved to St. Louis a few years ago and immediately Jean wanted to find meaningful ways to be connected and involved in their new St. Louis community. After noticing a supply drive at their neighborhood coffee shop benefitting Crisis Nursery, Jean did additional research and was impressed with the Nursery’s comprehensive mission and emphasis on child neglect and abuse prevention. Having recently retired from her career as a school counselor, she knew this was the perfect opportunity for her to get involved. The services offered by Crisis Nursery for both parents and children was unlike anything she had ever seen. She went to Jim with her excitement that this organization and opportunity was a dream come true while allowing her to return to what she loved most – serving and supporting children. Jim matched her excitement and they soon met with Crisis Nursery CEO, DiAnne Mueller. They walked away from that conversation with even more excitement about the mission of Crisis Nursery and all of the volunteer opportunities available to them.
“The safe haven provided for families in any kind of stress and the follow-up care is what makes Crisis Nursery so unique – building strong families while reducing and preventing the cycle of child abuse and neglect. We are so fortunate to have them here in the St. Louis area and I am so privileged to be a part of this incredible organization, spreading their mission wherever I go.”
-Jean Lee

Jim quickly joined the Board and Jean volunteers every week at the Centene Center and the St. Charles Nursery, caring for the children there, positively impacting their lives and giving those children the love that they need. The Centene Center was in need of necessary repairs and the Keeley Construction Building Group and Keeley Restoration Services stepped up to provide this life-changing facility with the help they needed to continue operations safely.
Outside of volunteering at the Centene Center, there are plenty of opportunities for others to get involved, either as a volunteer at their various Nurseries or monetarily. The kids cared for by Crisis Nursery range in age from newborn to 12 years old and they need a chance to have a normal, loving life free from the stress of family crisis.
Crisis Nursery’s mission is truly lived out by Jim and Jean along with all the amazing volunteers and staff members that care for these children – the true heroes who make the most impact.
“The St. Louis Crisis Nursery is a wonderful organization that provides a safe haven for children that are facing a variety of challenges at home. They care for over 5,000 children each year and help the families so that the children have a chance for a brighter future. My wife and I are proud to support this incredible organization as their mission is so important for the future of our community.”
-Jim Lee, Executive VP, Keeley Construction
The St. Louis Crisis Nursery is committed to the prevention of child abuse and neglect and provides trauma-informed emergency intervention, 24-hour respite care, and support to families in crisis through:
·Short-term care for young children in a safe and nurturing environment
·Empowering families to resolve crises and build resiliency through culturally responsive interventions
·Equitable access to concrete support, crisis counseling, and parenting education
·Grassroots community outreach and training to build child abuse prevention awareness
·Advocacy for the safety and well-being of children and families in our region
Learn more about Crisis Nursery here!