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KeeleyLife: 2022 Year in Review

KeeleyLife strives to sustain a culture of health and well-being for all Keeley'ns and their families. KeeleyLife is focused around four pillars: Health (Mental Wellness), Eating (Nutritional Habits), Activity (Physical Fitness), and Learning (Financial Education). KeeleyLife is creating a ripple effect that is increasing awareness and bridging the stages of change, serving as an advocate and an educator. Our KeeleyLife team strives to provide tools for Keeley’ns at every stage of their health and wellness journey.

KeeleyLife, in partnership with #KeeleyCares, was proud to support Girls on the Run at our second annual Kickball Tournament! This amazing organization leads young girls to unleash their full potential and become empowered young women. With the gracious support and donations from our Keeley’ns, we raised $4,700 for Girls on the Run while being active in the process! We are so grateful to the 175 Keeley’ns who came out with big smiles, giving hearts, and competitive spirits to celebrate our culture and support Girls on the Run.

Keeley’ns across the nation have been taking charge of their health and well-being. This year we saw a spiked interest in the various challenges that take place throughout the year. We had over 800 Keeley’ns and their family members participate in a variety of challenges. Some of these include: the Step Challenge, 100 Miles Challenge, Hydration Challenge, Sleep Challenge and more! During this year’s fan-favorite Step Challenge, 194 Keeley'ns formed 38 teams and battled to see who could get the most steps and take-home weekly and grand prizes. Our Keeley'ns stepped up to the plate and walked almost 40 million steps in the month of July – that is 20,000 miles or nearly once around the Earth!

In 2022, KeeleyLife was truly supported by Keeley’ns from every angle. It takes time for knowledge, skills, and awareness to translate into results and this year, a record number of Keeley’ns sought out resources and took advantage of everything KeeleyLife has to offer. Whether it be participating in one of our fun, competitive challenges, joining us for in-person events, or attending wellness classes focused on all aspects of health – we are proud of the dedication that our Keeley’ns and their families are committing to living a happy and healthy lifestyle.

We are excited to enhance our health & wellness resources in 2023, providing even more benefits to our Keeley’ns and their families.


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